Hey Everyone,
Just a quick word from me .....
Well, as you may remember, recently I put a poll up saying 'This blog should change it's "look"'. The answers you could choose from were 'yes,' or 'no.'
The poll closed the other day. I can't remember the exact statistics, but it was something like 80% said it SHOULD change its look.
Since I want you to enjoy this blog as much as possible, I have decided to do as you suggested and change its look.
As you may have noticed, I set up another poll today saying asking what colour scheme you would like this blog to be.
Please do vote on this poll and tell me what colour scheme you would like. I will make my blog the colour that gets the most votes.
Thanks a lot, everyone :)
I voted purple, I think it would suit your blog, and it would look nice for a change, although, I love this current background, and I almost voted for it. ( ;
Love this one but something new is good too!
Hi Lauren,
I agree with you. Pink or Purple would look great, since ballet is girlie and this they are girlie colours.
Just like you, I love the colour scheme of this blog at the moment, but as Melissa said, it's always great to have a change.
Check your e-mails!! There is something there for you :P
Izi :)
Hello Melissa,
I totally agree with you. This colour scheme is nice, but a change will be awesome too.
Always good to have a change, hey?
Izi :)
I just changed my colour scheme too! and template!
Go check it out!
Hey Melissa,
I'll have to pop over to your blog and have a look at your new colour scheme.
Izi :)
I like blue and pink best, but I really like the one you have now!
i think the new look is nice, but like the others are saying you could make a ballet-ish theme with pale pink. and maybe some black or gray details. that might be neat!
Hello Alexandra!
I actually really do like the look of my blog at the moment, but a change will hopefully be just as nice, or even better.
Pink and blue could both look nice, thanks for your vote!!
Izi :)
Hey Hannah,
That's a great idea, pale pink with some grey and black. Thanks for the idea!!
Izi :)
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